
Plots for 1 swedish crown per square meter

Attention! Due to the overwhelming interest in the campaign over the past few days, we have decided to pause actual sales to manage all inquiries we have received. Plot sales will resume on August 7th.

Currently, Götene municipality is running a campaign on individual plots sold for one Swedish Crown (SEK) per square meter. When you buy a plot, you commit to building a permanent residence on it. The house must be completed within 24 months from the date of possession. If the construction is not finished within this timeframe, the purchase will be reverted to the municipality, and the buyer will be fined 100,000 Swedish Crowns (SEK).

Good to know

Buying a plot requires careful planning. We have compiled a list of things to consider before submitting an expression of interest to the municipality.

Building requirements

When you buy a plot, you commit to building a permanent residence on it. A permanent residence means a solid house with standard Swedish amenities suitable for year-round living. This does not include small houses like Attefallshus, tiny houses, or similar.

The house must be completed within 24 months from the date of possession. If the construction is not finished within this timeframe, the purchase will be reverted to the municipality, and the buyer will be fined 100,000 Swedish Crowns (SEK).


If there are multiple interested parties, a bidding process will be applied.

Additional costs

Investigate which fees will be added.

For example,

  • building permit fees (about 30,000 Swedish Crowns),
  • and connection fees for water and sewage (about 170,000 Swedish Crowns),
  • electricity (about 40,000 Swedish Crowns),
  • and high-speed internet (about 30,000 Swedish Crowns).

Choice of house

Check with various house suppliers if there is a house you like and can afford.

Contact the bank

It might also be good to check with the bank once you have found a plot and a house you want to build. Ultimately, it is the bank that decides if you have the means to build a house or not.

Swedish bank account

You need to have a Swedish bank account to pay for the plot.

Our regular plots

Be sure to look at our regular plots as well. Here you can see who is available.

Sales process

Due to the overwhelming interest in the campaign over the past few days, we have decided to pause sales to catch up. Plot sales will resume on August 7th. In connection with the start of the sale again, we will publish contact details for the Real Estate Agency that manages the sale.

Contact for questions

If you have questions regarding the campaign or if you want to show interest in a plot, you are welcome to contact any of the following people:

Juliane Thorin Phone: 0511-38 63 94 Email:

Tova Varde Phone: 0511-38 60 07 Email:

The available plots are spread across several locations:

Are there any requirements when buying a municipal plot?

Yes, there are certain requirements you must adhere to when buying a municipal plot:

  • The property must be developed with a residential house and the construction must be completed within 24 months from the signing of the purchase agreement.
  • If the building obligation is not fulfilled, the property will revert to Götene municipality and the buyer will be charged an additional purchase price of 100,000 Swedish Crowns (SEK).
  • The buyer must connect to municipal water and sewage.

Why is the municipality undertaking this initiative?

To stimulate increased housing construction

Götene municipality needs more housing and more residents. The entire region needs to grow to meet future needs, and Götene needs to do its part in this.

The campaign therefore aims to enable housing construction in areas where there are already buildable plots, but where interest has previously been limited.

To increase the basis for municipal services

The major benefit of increased housing construction and increased relocation to the municipality is that the tax base becomes larger.

The more people living in the municipality's towns and villages, the greater the basis for, among other things, preschools, schools, and commercial services such as grocery stores.

How was the selection of plots made?

The selection simply consists of plots that have not been sold despite being for sale for a long period. Many have been subdivided and ready for building for over 40 years.

Some plots have been excluded from the campaign because the municipality has recently sold plots directly adjacent to these.

What fees are incurred?

Here we provide a price example of the major connection fees incurred for a plot of approximately 900 square meters.

  • Connection to water and sewage = Approximately 170,000 Swedish Crowns (SEK)
  • Electricity = Approximately 38,000 Swedish Crowns (SEK)
  • High-speed internet (Fiber) = From 30,000 Swedish Crowns (SEK)
  • Building permit (for a standard-sized house) = Approximately 30,000 Swedish Crowns (SEK)

Can anyone buy a plot?

Yes, both individuals and companies can buy one or more plots.

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