
Gift to newborn residents

We would like to welcome all our new residents to Götene municipality, especially those who are new to both the world and the municipality. Therefore, we provide a small welcome package to our newest residents.

A teddy bear wearing a sweater with the Götene municipality's logo on it.Förstora bilden

When the child reaches three months old, we send a welcome letter to the guardian with an invitation to pick up a welcome package at our Citizen office (Medborgarkontoret).

The welcome package includes:

  • A teddy bear
  • A picture book
  • A free ticket to any cultural event for children
  • Information from our services aimed at children"

Translation of the welcome letter

Welcome to the world, little friend!

And welcome to Götene municipality (kommun). You are one of our very newest residents, and we are delighted about that.

To welcome you, we would like to give you a package. It includes a small gift for you, a book from the library that we hope you and your loved ones will read many times, a free ticket to one of our cultural events for children, and some information that might be useful when you are brand new in the world.

The package is available for pickup at the Citizen Office (Medborgarkontoret) in Götene. All one of your adults needs to do is bring this letter to Medborgarkontoret and show it. Then you will receive your package.

We hope you will enjoy living in our municipality and create many wonderful memories here with your family, friends, and with us as you participate in our activities. Perhaps you have already visited our Baby Café or Open Preschool. If not, we hope we will have the opportunity to meet you there sometime. We also look forward to welcoming you to preschool and then school when the time comes. But that's a little later.

Once again, a warm welcome to the world and to us in Götene kommun. We look forward to getting to know you.

Warm regards,

Götene kommun

Openinghours at Medborgarkontoret

Öppettider vecka 48

  • måndag 25/11 08.00–16.30
  • tisdag 26/11 08.00–16.30
  • onsdag 27/11 08.00–16.30
  • torsdag 28/11 08.00–16.30
  • fredag 29/11 08.00–16.00
  • lördag 30/11 Stängt
  • söndag 1/12 Stängt

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